About Secure Notes

  • Quick Index

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How is this free?

    Are my notes actually encrypted?

    What happens to my note if I never follow the link?

    Why is the character limit on a note 2750?

    Are the contents of my note logged?

  • How this Application Works

    This web application takes text messages and encrypts them into a database. Getting into the details, this operation is achieved by leveraging an symmetric encryption algorithm (AES) whereby this application can encrypt and decrypt your message through a known procedure using uniquely generated keys.

    Create Note Sequence Diagram

    For transparency, this is the high level of how creating a note is accomplished, however for the sake of security of your notes, the details will be limited.

    Inbound Sequence Diagram

    Fetch Note Sequence Diagram

    Outbound Sequence Diagram

    Timer Application Operation

    I decided against a diagram for this as the operation is dead simple.

    1. Perform a database lookup to find all notes from the database that were created more than 3 days ago
      • Important: this does not decrypt them. The Timer application does not have the ability to decrypt the data at all.
    2. Did any notes get returned? Yes, delete them.
    3. Log the completion of the operation